What is ACAE Accreditation?
Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE) accreditation is the evaluation of an academic audiology program using the Commission’s set of 40 educational standards. Programs offering the Doctor of Audiology degree undergo a rigorous evaluation to achieve accreditation.
The ACAE is undergoing a review of its 2016 Accreditation Standards. To submit a comment about the current standards or suggest revisions to the standards, please click the button below.
Why ACAE Accreditation? The ACAE Difference.
ACAE Accreditation is “of, by and for” audiologists and is the only accreditation organization focused solely on audiology education. ACAE works collaboratively with programs to recognize, reinforce and promote high quality AuD educational programs that prepare graduates to be doctoral-level independent practicing audiologists.
How Long Does the ACAE Accreditation Process Take?
The process should take nine months to a year to complete. The timeline is discussed and negotiated between ACAE and the individual program.
Steps in the Program Accreditation Process

Application and Self-Study
Programs prepare an extensive written summary of the program’s performance in meeting applicable accreditation standards.

Peer Review
Accreditation is determined primarily by faculty and practioner peers in the profession. These colleagues review the self-study and serve on visiting teams that review programs after the self-study is completed. Peers constitute the majority of members of the accrediting commissions or boards that make judgments about accrediting status.

Site Visit
Accrediting organizations typically send a visiting team to review a program. The self-study provides the foundation for the team visit. Teams, in addition to the peers described above, may also include public members. All team members are volunteers.

Accreditation Decision
Accrediting organizations have decision-making bodies (commissions) made up of practioners and faculty from programs as well as public members. These commissions may affirm accreditation for new programs, reaffirm accreditation for ongoing programs, and deny accreditation to programs.

Periodic External Review
Programs continue to be reviewed over time on cycles of up to ten years. They normally prepare a self-study and undergo a site visit each time.
Choose Your Program Accreditation Track
The two entry points for accreditation are:
- Developing (new) AuD Programs: Academic institutions that have new AuD programs and have not yet begun admitting students may apply for Developing Status. Developing Status refers to the first stage of appraising the quality of academic programs in development. These are programs that have already attained recognition by their academic institutions.
- Established AuD Programs: Academic institutions that currently have ongoing, established AuD programs that may apply for Accreditation. These are formal audiology programs that have graduated at least one cohort of students and may have received accreditation status from another agency. These audiology programs are usually located within a college or school of a university that has been regionally or nationally accredited.

Developing AuD Programs
Is your audiology program under development and not yet recruiting students? Start the first step towards ACAE Developing Status here.

Established AuD Programs
Is your program established at your university, but not currently ACAE accredited? Begin the ACAE Accreditation process here.

ACAE Accredited AuD Programs
Is your program seeking ACAE reaccreditation? Start the process here.
File a Complaint or Public Comment
File a Complaint
The ACAE, through evaluation and monitoring, attempts to ensure that AuD degree programs maintain high standards of educational quality. If you have a complaint against an accredited program or the ACAE, submit a complaint form.
File a Public Comment
The ACAE accepts public comments about programs under review for accreditation or reaccreditation. If you have a comment regarding such a program, submit a comment form at least two weeks prior to the scheduled site visit.