What Is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a process for recognizing educational institutions and professional programs affiliated with those institutions for a level of performance, integrity, and quality which entitles them to the confidence of the educational community and the public they serve.
Current ACAE Accredited Programs
Accreditation is the classification granted to a program that meets the ACAE’s Accreditation Standards. This classification indicates that the program has no areas of Non-Compliance (deficiencies or weaknesses) that compromise the educational effectiveness of the total program. This is usually granted for a ten-year term. View a list of programs that have Accreditation Status below.
Current Developing Status Programs
Developing Status is the classification that indicates that a proposed, new AuD program’s resource allocation and plan for development demonstrate the ability to meet the ACAE Standards if fully implemented, as planned. Developing Status must be granted prior to a new program recruiting students for admission and enrollment in its first class. View a list of programs in Developing Status below.
Previously Accredited Programs
When a program is no longer accredited by ACAE, records are kept for historical purposes. Find a list of previously accredited programs below.