The governing body of the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE) is the Board of Directors which is composed of members who represent academic programs, administrators, professional practice, and the public.
The Executive Director, who serves as Chief Operating Officer of the ACAE, is an ex-officio member of the ACAE Board of Directors. The Officers of the ACAE are the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer. These officers comprise the Executive Committee of the ACAE.

ACAE Board of Directors

Carol Cokely, PhD

Laura Gaeta, PhD

Gail Whitelaw, PhD

Ellen Price, PT, MEd

Bettie Borton, AuD

David Brown, PhD

Caroline Dadowski, AuD

Andrea Gohmert, AuD

Joscelyn Martin, AuD

Christopher Spankovich, AuD, PhD, MPH

Alejandra Ullauri, AuD
Past Officers and Board Members
ACAE recognizes these past officers and board members. Click below to learn more.
Board Eligibility and Application
The ACAE solicits applications for new members of the ACAE Board of Directors beginning October 1 each year. Click below to learn more.
Conflict of Interest Form
Each member of the ACAE Board of Directors is required to sign a Conflict of Interest Statement before joining the ACAE Board and on an annual basis thereafter.
If you are a Board member and need to sign the Conflict of Interest Statement, click below.